Between Japonism and Art Nouveau: Retracing the Hybrid Influences in Privat Livemont’s Works, door Dr Saskia Thoelen

Wij hebben het genoegen om Dr Saskia Thoelen (Art/Fashion historian aan Bunka Gakuen University, Japan) in het Autrique Huis te mogen ontvangen voor een gesprek georganiseerd in het kader van de tentoonstelling ‘Privat Livemont. Bloemenpracht!’.
“It is widely known that the formative characteristics of Art Nouveau, such as the usage of natural elements, asymmetry, compositions with blank spaces, planar expressions and bold colors were influenced by Japanese art. The movement’s ideology of equality between the arts and crafts and the return of art in everyday life, was equally influenced by Japan’s aesthetic thought. Many Art Nouveau artists collected Japanese art and integrated influences from Japanese art in the development of their own Art Nouveau expressions. In Privat Livemont’s work, this tendency is also visible.
This presentation will discuss the influence of Japanese art on Privat Livemonts posters and artworks. Livemont's works will be compared with concrete ukiyo-e prints and Japanese figurative characteristics that Belgian Art Nouveau artists were aware of at the time.” – Saskia Thoelen
Praktische informatie
📆 28/08/2023, 18u30
🎟 5€, reservatie verplicht via
👄 EN
Event Information
Event Date | 28-08-2023 |
Location | Autrique Huis |
Het Autrique huis
Haachtsesteenweg 266
1030 Schaarbeek
Van woensdag tot zondag,
van 12 tot 18 uur
(laatste toegang om 17u30)
Gesloten op feestdagen
Reserveren is niet nodig voor individuele bezoeken.
Volle prijs: 9.00€
Senioren, studenten, werkzoekenden: 6.00€
Kinderen, Schaarbeekse inwoners: 3.00€
Artikel 27: 1.25€ + ticket
ICOM, museumpas, Brussels Card, Art Nouveau Pass: gratis