Maison Autrique - SOLO Jean-Luc Ho -

SOLO Jean-Luc Ho

On 18 November 2023, the Maison Autrique will be delighted to welcome Jean-Luc Ho, French organist and harpsichordist, who will be bringing the music of Purcell to our 19th-century salons on the harpsichord he has just built.

The concert will also mark the release of a CD recorded by Jean-Luc Ho for the Belgian label Musica Ficta.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to soak up the cosy atmosphere of the Maison Autrique and the brilliant sounds of the harpsichord!


Harpsichord - works by Henry Purcell (1659-1696), Green & anonymous

The works for harpsichord by Purcell, one of the most prolific composers of the seventeenth century alongside Buxtehude and Charpentier, leave a strange impression: a curious assemblage of miniatures from vocal works and brief suites of a pedagogical nature.

Yet keyboards played an important role throughout his professional career.

At the age of 14, following his moult, he was put in charge of maintaining the king's keyboard instruments. At 15, he was responsible for tuning the organ at Westminster Abbey, where he was appointed organist in 1678 and remained until his death.

It was undoubtedly through transcriptions that his genius came to the fore on the harpsichord. From the Restoration onwards, the fashion was for semi-opera or opera à l'anglaise, a genre inherited from the Masque, in which all the theatrical variety dear to the English could be expressed.

The programme is inspired by this richness of Shakespearean discourse, with music performed on stage, in the bedroom or in the church. Purcell's influences are represented, with the Italian taste of the Trio Sonata, the French manner of the Suites, the vocal style of the Pavane, and so on.

In Jean-Luc Ho's selection of works, Purcell's art, surrounded by anonymous pieces from his own time, is extended by Maurice Green's Voluntaries for organ or harpsichord.





Paris Bibliothèque Nationale MS Rés. 1186: Tutte venite armati 1'


[untitled] 1'

Prelude in C major, Z. 666 2'

Dance for chinese man and woman (Chaconne) 4'



Suite VII in D minor, Z. 668: Almand - Corant - Hornpipe 6'

Rond O Z., T. 684 1'

Ground in d, Z. D222 3'

Volontary for double organ, Z. 719 5'



Volontary III in a minor 3'


Pavane in A minor for two fiddles and bass, Z. 749 4'

Sonata V in A minor in three parts, Z. 794: Canzone, Adagio, Largo, Grave, Canzona 7'



London British Library Add., Ms. 31446 : A Verse 2'


Suite II in G minor, Z. 662: Prelude, Almand, Corant, Saraband 7'

Chaconne, Z. T680 4'



- Reduced (BIM, CPAS, unemployed, students): €14

- normal: €20



Public welcome from 7.30pm (bar available), concert at 8pm.



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Event Information

Event Date 18-11-2023

The Autrique house


Chaussée de Haecht 266
1030 Schaerbeek

Opening hours

From Wednesday to Sunday,
From 12pm to 6pm
(last admission at 5.30 pm)
Closed on bank holidays

Reservations are not required for individual visits.


Full price: € 9.00
Senior citizens, students, job seekers: € 6.00
Children, Schaerbeek residents: € 3.00
Article 27: € 1.25 + ticket
ICOM, museumPASSmusées, Brussels Card, Art Nouveau Pass: free